Study level
BAC +4
3 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Hourly volume
The aim of this course is to provide basic notions of astronomy and astrophysics, which will be useful in the other astrophysics courses in the Master's program. It also illustrates the application of physics concepts to the description of astrophysical objects. Most of the concepts covered will be developed further in the2nd year courses.
- Know the terminology and orders of magnitude commonly used in astrophysics
- Knowledge of the main observation instruments and techniques
- Perform basic astrometry and photometry calculations
- Understanding electromagnetic radiation processes in an astrophysical context
- Understand the basics of spectrum formation and interpretation
- Distance measurement methods and their limitations
- Learn the basics of stellar physics
- Building a simple model of stellar structure
Mandatory prerequisites
Recommended prerequisites:
Bachelor of Physics
Knowledge control
Astrophysical objects and orders of magnitude
Astrophysical distance measurements
Electromagnetic radiation in astrophysics and its study
Observational properties of stars
Stellar photospheres
Stellar structure