Training structure
Faculty of Science
The Institut National Supérieur du Professorat et de l'Education (INSPE) - Académie de Montpellier works with the Académie's universities to train students preparing for the competitive entrance exams for the French Ministry of Education.
The Faculty of Science at the University of Montpellier welcomes students preparing for the CAPET (Certificat d'Aptitude au Professorat de l'Enseignement Technique) competitive examination - Biotechnologies section - Biochemistry and Biological Engineering option.
This course is designed for students intending to become Biotechnology - Biochemistry - Biological Engineering teachers in secondary schools (STL and ST2S technological series) and/or in higher education (BTS Biotechnologies, BTS Bioanalysis and Control, BTS Medical Biology Analysis, etc.) or IUT (DUT Biological Engineering).
The aim of the two-year Master's program is to prepare students for the CAPET Biotechnologies competitive examination in Biochemistry and Biological Engineering. The exam takes place during the Master 2 year.
Know-how and skills
This Master's degree aims to enable students to acquire :
- scientific skills in biotechnology ;
- the didactic and professional skills required to perform the duties of a National Education teacher.
The Master's program focuses on three main areas:
- Disciplinary courses: biochemistry, molecular genetics, microbiology, human physiology, cell biology, immunology and biological analysis technologies (TP) and biological engineering;
- didactics: general approach to pedagogy and didactics and analysis of classroom situations and activities;
- practical experience: presentation of the education system and compulsory internships in general and technological high schools.
The Biotechnologies option of the Biochemistry and Biological Engineering Master MEEF2nd degree is divided into 4 semesters, each comprising teaching units (UE) validated by ECTS credits.
All UEs (except the Common Core and LVE UEs) are specific to the course. They are not shared with other courses, so as to provide students with high-quality training in preparation for a competitive examination in the French education system.
The competition takes place during the Master 2 year.
Preparing and writing the dissertation
5 creditsCommon culture: educating, teaching, learning
3 credits36hCommon culture: educating, teaching, learning
3 creditsPedagogical and didactic support for the M2 internship, S3
7 creditsBiotechnological sciences and didactics
6 creditsDidactics in biological engineering 3
9 creditsModern foreign language
Admission requirements
Students who have completed their M1 MEEF 2nd degree Biotechnologies option Biochemistry and Biological Engineering may apply for the M2 MEEF 2nd degree Biotechnologies option Biochemistry and Biological Engineering.
How to register
This is a selective course, so students must apply via the e-candidat application at the beginning of May (information on the Montpellier Faculty of Science website). Acceptance is not automatic: it is decided on the basis of the student's application by a pedagogical committee.
Target audience
Students who have validated their M1 MEEF 2nd degree Biotechnologies option Biochemistry Biological Engineering
Mandatory prerequisites
Prerequisites for M1 MEEF 2nd degree Biotechnologies option Biochemistry and Biological Engineering
Recommended prerequisites
Prerequisites for M1 MEEF 2nd degree Biotechnologies option Biochemistry and Biological Engineering
And then
Further studies
Students who have passed the M2 competitive entrance exam are automatically employed as certified Biochemistry and Biological Engineering teachers in secondary schools, under the status of civil servants in the French Ministry of Education. Students who have validated their M2 but who have not won the competitive examination are employed as contract or substitute teachers in high schools.
Professional integration
The results obtained by our students have put the Montpellier Academy in a very strong position in terms of success in the national CAPET Biotechnologies exam, with the Biochemistry and Biological Engineering (BGB) option. Students who have passed the competitive examination and have validated their M2 automatically take up a position as a certified Biochemistry and Biological Engineering teacher in secondary schools, under the status of civil servant in the French Ministry of Education. Students who have completed their M2 but have not passed the competitive examination are offered contract or substitute teaching posts in high schools.