Fundamentals of materials mechanics

  • Study level

    BAC +5

  • ECTS

    3 credits

  • Training structure

    Faculty of Science


This module provides a basic understanding of the various mechanical behaviors of materials and how they can be studied using experiments or models. The module begins with an elementary review of continuum mechanics under the Small Perturbation Hypothesis (SPH). The different classes of mechanical behavior of materials will be studied (elasticity, viscoelasticity, plasticity, etc.), as well as the different mechanical moduli (Young, compressibility, shear, Poisson's ratio, etc.), for all types of materials (metals, composites, polymers, etc.). After studying the links between the various microstructures and mechanical properties, the main tests used to characterize the mechanical behavior of materials will be outlined. Basic notions of anisotropic elasticity will also be presented (anisotropic elasticity tensors, orthotropy, transverse isotropy). The basic rheological models commonly used to model these behaviors will then be presented, and it will be shown how their parameters can be identified. The module concludes with a presentation of dynamic analysis methods (DMA).


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Know and understand the basics of the mechanics of materials in HPP

Understanding the links between microstructure and mechanical properties

Knowledge of methods for characterizing the mechanical behavior of materials

Basic rheological models

Be able to use a law of behavior

Identify the mechanical parameters of a behavior law

Knowledge of Dynamic Analysis Methods (DMA)


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Mandatory prerequisites

Strength of materials

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Knowledge control

Final Examination

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