• Study level

    BAC +5

  • ECTS

    3 credits

  • Component

    Faculty of Science


This UE is applied to the "innovative project in mechanics". The aim is to give the student the elements needed to simulate the creation of a company, based on the product or range of products developed as part of the innovative project.

This UE is divided into :

courses taught by professionals from the world of business creation

consultations with professionals to help students (groups of up to 3) simulate setting up their own business.

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conduct market research

define your business model

building a business plan


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Necessary prerequisites

Business management - Marketing

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Knowledge control

100% CC

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The aim is to provide students with the elements (market study, business model, business plan) needed to simulate the creation of a company, based on the product or range of products developed as part of the innovative project.

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