5 credits
Faculty of Science
Introductory course in differential geometry, focusing on the notions of subvarieties of Rn, vector fields and flows.
Master the basic tools of differential geometry.
Necessary prerequisites
A Bachelor's degree in Mathematics.
Recommended prerequisites: the content of the L3 course "Calcul différentiel et équations différentielles" (Differential calculus and differential equations) in the Licence de Mathématiques (Mathematics degree) at the Université de Montpellier.
- Plane and space curves: curvature of a plane curve, curvature and torsion of a space curve.
- Review of differential calculus in Rn: finite increments, local inversion, implicit functions, normal forms of immersions and submersions. Applications: subvarieties of Rn, standard examples, tangent space, orientation.
- Surfaces inR3, second fundamental form, curvature.
- Differentiable applications, regular values, Brown's theorem and applications.
- Vector fields and streams.
The course will be illustrated by applications chosen by the teacher. Examples (not exhaustive):
- minimization of the total curvature of knotted curves;
- proof of Jordan's theorem in the plane;
- Gauss-Bonnet theorem on surfaces;
- notion of abstract variety with standard examples: projective spaces, grassmanians.