7 credits

  • Training structure

    Faculty of Science


This course develops Cauchy's theory for functions of one complex variable, and introduces the notions of conformal representation, fundamental group and coverings.

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Master the basic tools of complex analysis and introduce those of algebraic topology.

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Teaching hours

  • Complex analysis and topology - TDTutorial24h
  • Complex Analysis and Topology - CMLecture27h

Mandatory prerequisites

A Bachelor's degree in Mathematics.



Recommended prerequisites: the content of the L3 "Complex Analysis" course of the Licence de Mathématiques de l'Université de Montpellier.

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  1. Licence revisions: holomorphic functions, integer series development, Cauchy's formula and theorem, Morera's theorem, maximum principle.
  2. Complex analysis: singularities, meromorphic functions, residue theorem, open application theorem, biholomorphisms, Riemann conformal representation theorem.
  3. Fundamental group and coverings: homotopy of paths, applications, shrinkage by deformation; definition of the fundamental group and coverings; the fundamental group of the circle, the degree of an application of the circle to itself; statement of the Seifert-Van-Kampen theorem, applications (e.g., fundamental groups of graphs); Riemann surfaces of the complex logarithm and complex root functions.
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Further information

Hourly volumes :

            CM: 27h

            TD : 24h

            TP: 0

            Land: 0

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