5 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Introductory course on the theory of bodies, with Galois correspondence theorem as the main result.
Master the basic tools of commutative algebra, and introduce a typical correspondence theorem that is highly fertile in mathematics.
Teaching hours
- Algebra 2 - CMLecture21h
- Algebra 2 - TDTutorial21h
Mandatory prerequisites
A Bachelor's degree in Mathematics.
Recommended prerequisites: the content of the two L3 courses "Groups and Rings 1" and "Groups and Rings 2" of the Licence de Mathématiques of the Université de Montpellier.
- Revisions on rings, bodies; prime subbody, characteristic of a body, Frobenius morphism, factorization and Eisenstein criterion.
- Body extensions: degree formula, algebraic extensions, algebraically closed bodies, algebraic closures, breaking bodies, decomposition bodies, extensions of body morphisms.
- The Galois group; invariant subbodies, Artin's theorem.
- Finite bodies: Galois group, sub-bodies, Galois correspondence.
- Normal extensions, those that are finite are decomposition bodies.
- Polynomials and separable extensions: definitions, composition of separable extensions, perfect bodies (characterizations), primitive element theorem.
- Galois extensions: definition(s), conjugate elements. Galois correspondence; examples and applications.
- Solving polynomial equations: Galois group of a polynomial, action on roots, Galois theorem of resolubility by radicals in characteristic zero.
Further information
Hourly volumes :
CM: 21h
TD: 21h
TP: 0
Land: 0