Economics - Management, Sciences

Ecological Transition and Circular Economy Management

  • ECTS

    120 credits

  • Duration

    1 or 2 years

  • Training structure

    Montpellier Management

  • Language(s) of instruction



The Master's degree in Management of the Ecological Transition and Circular Economy (MTEEC) trains students and future transition managers in the fields of ecological and circular economy projects and corporate and organizational social responsibility.

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  • 100%*

    Success rate


The Master's degree in Management of the Ecological Transition and the Circular Economy is designed to enable students to rapidly enter the world of work:

  • Strong interaction with the professional world: many of the lecturers are professionals of the Ecological Transition.
  • Real cases and collaborative work: students work on real cases and serious games that are co-constructed with the master's partners.
  • Field immersion: the course includes visits (e.g. participation in Ecological Transition trade fairs and conferences, company visits) and field immersions through serious games. Internships in companies related to the Ecological Transition complete this program.
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International dimension

At Montpellier Management, you have the opportunity to study abroad inone of 45 partner universities in 20 countries.

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Knowledge control

*M2 success rate 2022-2023 (admitted / number of students with average > 7)

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Open in alternation

Master 1 and Master 2 can be completed on a sandwich course.

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Internships, tutored projects

Find out more about the M1 internship on this page.

Find out all you need to know about M2 internships on this page.

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Select a program

  • Strategic management

    3 credits
    • Strategic management

      3 credits
  • Introduction to the energy transition

  • Environmental economics

    3 credits24h
  • Human Resources Management

    3 credits24h
  • Positive behaviors in the workplace

    3 credits
    • Positive behaviors in the workplace

      3 credits
  • Environmental and resource law

    3 credits24h
  • Marketing

    3 credits24h
  • Accounting

    3 credits
    • Accounting

      3 credits
  • English

    3 credits24h

    3 credits
  • Finance

    3 credits24h
  • Industrial risk management

    3 credits
  • Professional coaching and serious games

    4.5 credits24h
  • Business Model and Business Plan

    3 credits24h
  • Project management

    3 credits24h
  • Introduction to ecology and the circular economy

    3 credits42h
  • Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

    3 credits24h
  • Internship - Dissertation

    9 credits
  • English

    1.5 credits24h
  • Standards, regulations and innovative practices

    6 credits
  • Entrepreneurship and innovation in the ecological transition

    8 credits
  • Accounting, control and reporting for the green transition

    8 credits
  • Issues, problems and actors of ecological transition

    8 credits
  • Setting up a project and research

    30 credits


Conditions of access

Find out more about the entry requirements for the Master's degree in Ecological Transition and Circular Economy Management on this page.

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How to register

See the registration details on this page.

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And then

Professional integration

  • Environmental Project Manager
  • Green Finance" specialist
  • In charge of studies
  • Environmental Management Controller
  • Green Tech start-up creator
  • Green buyer
  • Civil service executive
  • Sustainable development consultant
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