2 credits

  • Component

    Faculty of Science


Management of the Aquatic Environment and Flood Prevention
Discipline: Ecology, Hydraulics

This teaching unit allows students to immerse themselves in a real case study, in the field, related to the GEMAPI competence. Actors and managers will be met on the study site in order to appreciate the stakes and the complexity of the territory. The groups of students will work on a concrete project to bring together the management of the aquatic environment and the prevention of floods respectful of ecology, the environment and man. This teaching unit will be an opportunity to implement the knowledge and skills acquired during the previous teaching (ecology, hydraulics, legislation, land use planning...)

The study is deployed on the same concrete case, from the field phase to the presentation phase of the impacts of the developments, through modeling, analysis or concerted management. The work is done in groups.

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- Understand the stakes of the GEMAPI, its evolution, its actors
- Reconcile through innovative approaches the studies on aquatic environments, the preservation of biodiversity, the protection against floods, and land use planning.
- To mobilize the skills and knowledge acquired in the different UE and to be able to work between students with different and complementary scientific profiles
- To defend a project and to communicate with an audience of socio-economic actors.

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Necessary pre-requisites

M2 S3 Stream Modeling, M2 S3 Ecological Engineering and Restoration.

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Knowledge control

Continuous assessment based on the final presentation of the project.

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