4 credits

  • Training structure

    Faculty of Science


"The aim of this course is to complement the first semester's teaching by developing the issues involved in the evolution of phenotypes and the main associated methodological approaches. Lessons will address the evolution of different types of traits (life-history traits, traits involved in reproductive strategies, traits involved in biotic interactions, quantitative traits). The main approaches covered include game-theoretic formalization, adaptive dynamics, quantitative genetic approaches and the work of confronting theoretical predictions with empirical data. Teaching includes:

1) lectures on the main concepts of evolutionary ecology;

2) tutorials focusing on document studies and exercises".

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Know how to use game theory and adaptive dynamics approaches to formalize the evolution of behavioral or other traits in simple cases.

Master the different possible levels of selection.

Quantify the genetic and environmental variance of a trait, and its heritability. Formalize the response of a trait to selection.

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Teaching hours

  • Evolutionary ecology - TDTutorial30h

Mandatory prerequisites

Advanced level in population genetics and evolution.

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Knowledge control

100% continuous assessment

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