5 credits

  • Training structure

    Faculty of Science


1) What is the genetic program underlying the development of the nervous system? This course highlights the type of decisions that gradually determine the neural destiny of cells and ensure their nervous function. The different stages considered are:

(i)the genesis of the nervous system

(ii)neuron specification

(iii)nerve function: axonal guidance and connectivity

(iv)neuronal remodeling

2) What molecular, cellular and environmental interactions control the development of the nervous system?

-Synaptogenesis and the major stages of development.

-The role of neurotrophic factors

-The role of electrical activity

-Critical periods

-The role of neuron-glial cell interactions.

-Neural stem cells

3) Developmental pathologies

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The objectives of this module are:

-acquire knowledge of the mechanisms of nervous system development (from the earliest to the latest stages), based on the study of different model organisms and considering different experimental approaches (particularly the genetic approach).

-be able to take a critical approach to experimental results in this field be aware of the conservation of developmental mechanisms between different organisms (e.g. from insects to humans) and of the impact of development on neurological and psychiatric pathologies in children and adults.

-become aware of the conservation of developmental mechanisms between different organisms (e.g. from insects to humans) and the impact of development on neurological and psychiatric pathologies in children and adults.

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Teaching hours

  • Developmental neurobiology - CMLecture42h

Mandatory prerequisites

Obtaining a Bachelor's degree with courses in neuroscience: basic knowledge of Neurobiology/Neurophysiology, Sensoriality and Motricity, or its equivalence for schools of medicine, pharmacy, engineering, etc...

Recommended prerequisites: Knowledge of major physiological and neurobiological functions.

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Knowledge control

Written in first and second session

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The speakers are all researchers and teacher-researchers: Agnès Fichard-Carroll, Marie-Laure Parmentier, Jean-Maurice Dura, Patrick Carroll and Jean Valmier.

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