5 credits

  • Component

    Faculty of Science


Three main themes are addressed:

-Study of weight and thermal homeostasis in relation to a model of dysfunction: obesity. For this purpose, the energy balance with food intake and energy expenditure composed of basic metabolism, physical activity and adaptive thermogenesis (AT) and their respective regulation will be addressed.

-Study of biological rhythms, through the description of the nature and properties of biological rhythms (ultradian, circadian and infradian), the description of endogenous circadian oscillators, and the detailed presentation of the molecular mechanisms of circadian clocks.

-Study of the different stages and physiological principles of breathing. Theoretical lessons will be complemented by tutorials. The tutorials are based on document studies and the analysis of scientific articles in English. The choice of the various scientific supports aims at showing the interaction of the various approached topics and thus the concept of integrative physiology.

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-Understand the cellular and molecular mechanisms that allow the regulation of the energy balance.

-Discover how deregulations of these mechanisms are involved in metabolic diseases such as obesity.

-Understand that circadian rhythms allow the organism to anticipate, and therefore respond in anticipation to, periodic variations in the environment and thus ensure a relative constancy of the internal environment (predictive homeostasis).

-To address the adaptive value of circadian rhythms on the functioning of the organism, a concept that is the basis of chronopharmacology.

-To know how to trace the path of oxygen from ventilation to its consumption at the tissue level

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Necessary pre-requisites

Knowledge of the basic concepts of physiology of the major functions, nervous communication and endocrine communication.

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Knowledge control

-Final test 80% written

-Continuous control in TD 20

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