6 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
ORPAL is an APP course (1/3 fieldwork and 2/3 laboratory work). Work is carried out in pairs or trios under the responsibility of a supervisor, and covers the entire research process, from defining the problem, field sampling and data acquisition to interpretation, writing a scientific article (see and oral presentation of results.
The ORPAM program begins in the first weeks of teaching. It begins with a 3-day field school (24h - integration internship) and continues with a mini-laboratory internship (24h). The course ends with the writing of a popular scientific article and an oral presentation of the results.
"Mastery of the main concepts of ecosystem ecology and functional ecology;
- Know the theoretical and operational framework for the use of species functional traits in relation to ecosystem functioning;
- Know the basics of soil ecology and the soil/vegetation interface;
- Understand the physiological and behavioral adaptations of an organism in response to variations in its environment;
- Know and apply tools for studying life history traits and ecophysiological measurements;
- Know the methodological bases and know how to carry out experimental approaches in ecosystem ecology."
Teaching hours
- In-depth ecosystem ecology - TDTutorial17h
Mandatory prerequisites
Skills acquired in the ecology unit of the M1 BEE core curriculum.
Knowledge control
100% continuous assessment