2 credits

  • Component

    Faculty of Science


Strategic Environmental Management Analysis (SEMA) is a theoretical framework that makes it possible to base an analysis of a management situation on a clearly expressed environmental concern. It allows for a precise clarification of the exercise of environmental responsibility in relation to the exercise of other collective responsibilities, within the framework of a pluralistic debate. By identifying the basic structures of environmental management situations, particularly in international contexts, it provides the criteria that explain the difficulties that public policies on the environment have in emerging in relation to other areas of public action - in particular development policies - and that make it possible to identify the room for manoeuvre to encourage changes to take greater responsibility for environmental problems. The module is based on two main elements: (1) the presentation of different research-intervention studies using this framework of analysis in order to explain the implementation of the ASGE work registers, (2) a supervised assignment that combines the critical analysis of environmental project documents with the development of an alternative research-intervention study proposal using the ASGE framework, which is presented and discussed collectively at the end of the module.

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Know how to mobilize Strategic Environmental Management Analysis in the context of intervention in European countries as well as in developing countries. Students will be able to diagnose an environmental management project, compare different models, approaches and doctrines of environmental management implemented in the field, and critically analyze them. They will be able to structure the information of an environmental project to make a strategic analysis focused on ecological performance. In particular, they will be able to specify the normative benchmark to be reached, analyze the gap with this objective, and compare the specific efforts undertaken with the resistance that sectoral policies put up against these efforts. Finally, on this basis, they will be able to propose an alternative intervention or research-intervention project using the framework of strategic environmental management analysis.

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Knowledge control

Continuous assessment : 100%.

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