Economics - Management


  • Target level of study

    BAC +3

  • ECTS

    180 credits

  • Duration

    1 year

  • Training structure

    Faculty of Education, IUT Nîmes

  • Language(s) of instruction



Train managers capable of synthesizing several organizational functions, managing human resources, piloting projects and developing an economic culture within the company.

This bachelor's degree offers two courses with very different orientations:

- The Management of Sports and Leisure Organizations course (LP MOSL), at the Nîmes IUT, focuses more on management specifically linked to the sports and leisure sector.

- Coordination of childcare facilities in Perpignan.

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Acquire skills in analyzing business issues, understanding and using management techniques, designing and managing projects, and negotiating with partners.

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Teaching is organized into lectures (CM) and tutorials (TD). Each course is made up of teaching units (UE) specific to its field.

Both courses are available on an initial, sandwich or continuing training basis.

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Select a program

Management of sports and leisure organizations

"Make your passion for sport your profession".

(quote from Pierre de Coubertin)

As over 90% of the economic fabric is made up of small and medium-sized businesses in the tertiary sector, the course is designed to meet the needs of these organizations. This license is part of the reform of the sports professions initiated by the French Ministry of Sport and relayed locally by the "guichets uniques sports" or networks such as the "Groupement national sport et loisirs", a partner of the course.

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Coordination of childcare facilities

This degree trains professionals capable of coordinating activities and developing and implementing projects in public or private establishments under contract, as well as in facilities and services related to early childhood, childhood or youth, as part of the overall project of the community concerned, in conjunction with institutional or associative partners.

Depending on the initial training and professional experience acquired, supplemented by the courses, internships and projects carried out as part of the CSAPE Professional License, graduates will be able to work in structures dedicated to the care and/or leisure of young children (according to regulations, only holders of an EJE or Puéricultrice diploma are eligible to manage a childcare establishment).


Training managers:

Hélène Marquié-Dubié

Service Scolarité:

See the complete page of this course


Target audience

Holders of national diplomas BAC + 2

and cf. the specific recruitment requirements of each course

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