Study level
BAC +3
5 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
This course is offered to students of the professional L3 "Plant Experimentation for the Improvement and Protection of Mediterranean and Tropical Plants". Its objective is to give students the conceptual basics of plant physiology in order to understand cultural practices. The following major themes of plant physiology will be addressed by presenting the contributions of Functional Biology for the detailed understanding of processes at the molecular and cellular level:
- Water nutrition and reasoned irrigation,
- N, P, K nutrition, inputs and agroecology,
- C3 and C4 photosynthesis;
- Relationship between water and carbon nutrition,
- Caulinar and root vegetative development,
- Floral transition, fertilization, seed and fruit development
- The main plant hormones
Practical exercises will be carried out in order to learn how to build an experimental protocol to study a physiological process
- Be able to relate cultural practices to plant physiology
- Understand what Functional Plant Biology is and how it can be used to analyze plant behavior.
Know how:
- Analyze functional biology results
- Set up an experimental protocol to study a physiological process
- Reflecting on and analyzing documents
- Write with clarity and precision
Hourly volumes* :
CM: 18
TD : 18
TP: 9
Teaching hours
- Applied Plant Physiology - CMLecture18h
- Applied Plant Physiology - Practical workPractical work9h
- Applied Plant Physiology - TDTutorial18h
Mandatory prerequisites