5 credits

  • Component

    Faculty of Science


In this module, the students, in groups of 3 or 4, work on a concrete project, proposed by teacher-researchers or researchers from private companies, and thus put theoretical knowledge into practice. The project takes place in two stages.

The first step is carried out in the first semester. It consists in preparing an experimentation at the scientific, statistical, technical and financial level. This work will be staked out throughout the first semester thanks to the realization of several orals of type "laboratory seminars" around several topics:

  • Seminar 1: Bibliographic research on the theme of their tutored project.
  • Seminar 2: Journal club, with a detailed analysis of a key article related to the theme of their tutored project
  • Seminar 3: Presentation of the experimental design and statistical processing of data
  • Seminar 4: Presentation of the material needs related to their experimentation.

The second step is carried out in the second semester where the experimentation will be set up, monitored and analyzed. The schedule for the second semester is adapted in order to free up time for regular monitoring of the experimentation, which can be done in research laboratories such as those of the CIRAD's UMR AGAP or in a university greenhouse (Bat65). This tutored project is the subject of a 10-page report in English.

Examples of projects:

  • Influence of the lunar calendar on germination ofArabidopsis thaliana
  • Analysis of the effect of inoculation with Phyllobacterium brassicacearum STM196 on the response of 15 rice varieties to salt stress
  • Effect of Burkholderia vietnamensis on rice growth under hydroponic conditions
  • Influence of light intensity and spectrum on the germination of stevia
  • Effect of Glomus intraradices inoculation and rhizobium pisi inoculation, alone or in combination, on pea growth
  • Influence of the lunar calendar on the growth of radish, carrot, lettuce, pea and nasturtium
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How to do it

  • Be able to do a bibliographic analysis (NCBI pubmed, agricola,...)
  • Be able to read and analyze a scientific article
  • Putting statistics courses into practice
  • Know how to keep a notebook of manipulations, organize numerical data
  • Work on scientific presentations in a seminar format
  • Work on technical and scientific English.



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Necessary pre-requisites

 basic statistics, knowledge of laboratory and greenhouse safety


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