Training structure
Faculty of Science
List of courses
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Science communication
4 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
At the end of this course, students will have acquired the basic knowledge needed to prepare and carry out a scientific communication operation adapted to a target audience, both orally and in writing. They will also be able to design educational material and awareness-raising workshops for the general public.
Science and society: history, ethics, critical thinking
4 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Setting up an educational project with UniverlaCité
4 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Universities are often perceived as inaccessible places for large sections of society. As part of the UniverlaCité program, which aims to bring the university to life in disadvantaged neighborhoods, the students will be setting up scientific workshops for schoolchildren in disadvantaged areas.
The EU will offer students the opportunity to :
1- share their own experiences and enhance the value of the knowledge they have acquired at the University, with a view to responding as effectively as possible to the needs of society.
2- Reveal and develop scientific communication skills through the design and production of teaching aids adapted to the target audience.
The course will take the form of tutorials and project follow-up (SPS) on pre-defined themes. The socio-cultural situation of sensitive urban areas will be addressed in the first class. This first TD will also serve to lay the foundations for the UE, present the UniverlaCité system in detail and give a broad overview of scientific mediation.
The following TDs will serve as sessions during which students, divided into groups, will have to propose activities to be set up. The constraints given to them by the teaching team will be: the target audience, the theme (which will be defined by the teaching team and renewed each year) and the need to propose activities "outside the classroom".
Health, environment and global change
4 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
The major human and animal health issues linked to global change, i.e. :
- degradation of natural environments, leading to loss of quality of natural resources (various forms of pollution) and loss of biodiversity
- climate change
- the artificialization of living environments
- new therapeutic approaches
- the globalization of trade
- standardized lifestyles