L3 - Fundamental Physics (PF)

  • ECTS

    60 credits

  • Duration

    1 year

  • Training structure

    Faculty of Science

  • Language(s) of instruction



The Bachelor's degree in Physics is a three-year course that represents the first stage in higher education. It is open to students with a scientific baccalaureate, and provides them with fundamental knowledge of general, theoretical and experimental physics, from classical to modern physics, as well as mathematics and computer programming, with progressive specialization in L3 towards Fundamental Physics or Physics and its Applications. The CUPGE Physics and Mathematics pathway (Cycle Universitaire Préparatoire aux Grandes Écoles) from L1 to L3 offers in-depth bi-disciplinary training. A brief presentation of the various Physics degree courses can be downloaded here: Licence Physique presentation.

Open Health Access course (L.AS).

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The program enables students to progressively master the basic concepts of physics and the use of mathematical and numerical tools to analyze, describe and model a physical system. They also develop critical thinking skills, and the ability to conduct independent experimental projects and communicate their results orally and in writing, in French and English. These are the knowledge, skills and know-how required for further study in the Montpellier Fundamental Physics and Applications Master's program, or more generally in all Physics Master's programs or at the interfaces, in France and abroad. The program also enables students to go on to study at an engineering school, either on the basis of their qualifications or through a competitive examination, or to enter the job market directly at the end of L3, for example through a competitive administrative examination.

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Know-how and skills

Students on the Fundamental Physics course learn to master all the concepts of classical physics (mechanics, optics, thermodynamics, electromagnetism, etc.) and modern physics (quantum mechanics, special relativity, corpuscular physics, etc.), as well as the theoretical formalization of a physical system.

Generally speaking, the jobs held by our students are in many areas of public or private economic and industrial life (research, development, design, control, production, teaching). They occupy managerial, executive and engineering positions.

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    4 credits
    • Choice of 2 out of 4

      • The origin of the elements: a cosmic journey

        2 credits18h
      • Nanoscience and Nanotechnology

        2 credits18h
      • Physics Computing

        2 credits18h
      • Life Physics

        2 credits18h
  • English S5

    2 credits
  • Math Tools S5

    6 credits54h
  • Analytical and Quantum Mechanics

    7 credits63h
  • Wave Optics and Electrodynamics

    7 credits63h
  • Experimental physics S5

    4 credits36h
  • Statistical Physics

    5 credits45h
  • Relativity and Subatomic Physics

    6 credits54h
  • Experimental Physics S6

    4 credits36h
  • Hydrodynamics

    3 credits27h
  • S6 Tutored Projects

    4 credits36h
  • Simulation tools

    3 credits27h
  • Quantum Mechanics

    5 credits45h


Admission requirements

The Licence de Physique - Physique Fondamentale (L3PF) requires a solid background in physics and excellent mathematical skills. Access to the L3PF is open to candidates with 120 credits from the Physics Licence or after validation of a diploma in the corresponding field, e.g. CPGE specialties MP, PSI, PCSI. Students holding other diplomas may also apply. Their applications will be examined by the admissions committee.

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How to register

Applications for admission to L3PF must be made via the eCandidat online application. For non-EU foreign students, depending on their nationality of origin, applications may be processed through CampusFrance.

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