Introduction to Statistical Physics

  • Study level

    BAC +3

  • ECTS

    3 credits

  • Training structure

    Faculty of Science

  • Hourly volume



Statistical physics is one of the fundamental branches of modern physics, whose probabilistic approach establishes relationships between the microscopic and the macroscopic. It deals with the evolution of systems with very large numbers of particles (atoms, molecules, photons, etc.) and links macroscopic quantities such as pressure, temperature, etc. characterizing their state at thermodynamic equilibrium to quantities defining the microscopic state of their constituents. This introductory course in statistical physics will cover the microcanonical and canonical sets, and relate the partition function to thermodynamic quantities such as mean energy, pressure, temperature and entropy. These results will be illustrated on perfect gases and on a few simple quantum systems.     

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Master the basic concepts and techniques of statistical physics. 

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Teaching hours

  • Introduction to Statistical Physics - TDTutorial13,5h
  • Introduction to Statistical Physics - CMLecture13,5h

Mandatory prerequisites

Thermodynamics 1 and 2 (HAP201P and HAP301P), Calculus (HAS103H) and Mathematical tools (HAP303P and HAP402P).

Recommended prerequisites*: rudiments of quantum mechanics (notion of quantum state).

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Knowledge control

100% CT

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Microcanonical and canonical sets, partition function and link to thermodynamic quantities: average energy, pressure, temperature and entropy, perfect gases, 2-level system, simple quantum systems (spins).    

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Further information

CM: 13.5 h

TD: 13.5 h

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