Study level
BAC +3
2 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Hourly volume
Introduction to the synthesis of chemical elements in the Universe (Big Bang, stars)
Knowledge of methods for determining cosmic abundances, and of chemical element synthesis processes (primordial and stellar nucleosythesis).
Teaching hours
- The origin of the elements: a cosmic journey - CMLecture9h
- The origin of the elements: a cosmic journey - TDTutorial9h
Mandatory prerequisites
L2 physics knowledge
Knowledge control
100% CT
Determination of cosmic abundances: presentation of the abundance curve - introduction to radiative transfer (Kirchhoff-Bunsen laws; Beer-Lambert law)
Introduction to nuclear physics: structure of nuclei - nuclear reactions
The first 3 minutes of the Universe: primordial nucleosynthesis
Stellar nucleosynthesis: thermonuclear reactions - neutron capture
The case of light elements
Further information
CM: 9 h
TD: 9 h