• Study level

    BAC +3

  • ECTS

    5 credits

  • Component

    Faculty of Science

  • Hourly volume



This module is an introduction to the concepts and methods of the statistical physics of equilibrium systems, with a bottom-up approach: start with examples and then give the general principles. It draws heavily on Harvey Gould and Jan Tobochnik's course. A historical introduction to the construction of Brownian motion theory forms the final chapter of the course.

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  • Master the probabilistic tools and concepts used in the statistical physics of equilibrium systems, calculate a mean, a standard deviation, know the main statistical functions (Gaussian, binomial, exponential, Poisson, etc.).
  • Know how to count the number of accessible microstates for a macroscopic system at equilibrium in the classical and semi-classical approximation.
  • Calculate the static entropy, canonical and/or grand-canonical partition function of simple non-interacting systems, including fermion and boson gases.
  • Gain a historical perspective on the construction of Brownian motion theory
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Teaching hours

  • Statistical Physics - CMLecture22,5h
  • Statistical Physics - TDTutorial22,5h

Necessary prerequisites

  • UE Thermodynamics 2 in L2
  • Basics of quantum mechanics
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Knowledge control

100% CT

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1. From the microscopic to the macroscopic behavior of matter.

2. Probabilistic mathematical concepts and tools.

3. Statistical physics methodology.

4. Non-interacting particle systems.

5. Van der Waals fluid model: liquid-gas transition.

6. Brownian motion: a historical overview

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Further information

CM: 22.5 h

TD: 22.5 h

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