Study level
BAC +3
5 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
- read a technical drawing of medium difficulty
- identify standard mechanical components on a drawing
- identify the operation of a mechanical system of moderate difficulty from an overall drawing
- draw a part in several views, following the rules of projection
- identify and draw cylinder-plane, cylinder-cylinder, plane-cone, cylinder-cone intersections
- draw cross-sections and sectional views
- extract a part from an overall drawing of moderate difficulty
- use of basic Solidwork functions (part mode, assembly and drawing)
- deal with a statics exercise involving friction (Coulomb's laws)
- determine a bow-tie condition
- write a strength criterion for a beam structure under compound loading with stress concentration (Von Mises and Tresca)
- know how to determine the service life of a structure working in fatigue with a large number of cycles
- determine the Euler critical load of a beam structure
- how to design and dimension a shrink-fit shaft-hub assembly
- know how to dimension a thin structure with a non-circular cross-section
- use of advanced Solidwork functions for structural design
Teaching hours
- Structure and dimensioning (POLYTECH) - CMLecture18h
- Structure and dimensioning (POLYTECH) - Practical workPractical work9h
- Structure and dimensioning (POLYTECH) - TDTutorial18h
Mandatory prerequisites
- Strength of materials
- Continuum mechanics