Mathematical Modeling in Mechanics (POLYTECH)

  • Study level

    BAC +3

  • ECTS

    5 credits

  • Training structure

    Faculty of Science


The course links scientific computing and variational methods for mechanics and is designed to model simple physical equations and implement numerical methods to solve these equations.

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Model physical equations (solid mechanics, diffusion/transport equations),

wave equations, etc.) in the form of ODEs or PDEs, classify these equations according to their degree of complexity.


  1. Use numerical methods to solve these equations (essentially

differences and spectral approach), take into account boundary conditions

  1. Analyze the effectiveness of digital diagrams, and understand their strengths and weaknesses.


  1. Critically analyze mathematical and numerical solutions in relation to physics


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Teaching hours

  • Mathematical Modeling in Mechanics (POLYTECH) - CMLecture18h
  • Mathematical Modeling in Mechanics (POLYTECH) - Practical workPractical work9h
  • Mathematical Modeling in Mechanics (POLYTECH) - TDTutorial15h

Mandatory prerequisites


Scientific computing

Differential calculus and differential equations

Recommended prerequisites* :


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Knowledge control

Final exam + practical work

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