Scientific computing (UE Polytech' MI)

  • Study level

    BAC +3

  • ECTS

    5 credits

  • Training structure

    Faculty of Science


Emphasis is placed on the performance and limitations of engineering calculation methods, so that the student is able to use them correctly "in situation". This situational approach is certainly the most challenging aspect of this introduction to scientific computing, as it calls not only for a certain physical sense, but also for mathematical modelling and a minimum of computer skills.

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To give students a basic knowledge of algorithms for the study and representation of concrete situations from the world of engineering. The following topics are covered:

- Solve dy differential equation dy/dt=F(y,t),

- finite-difference approximation of spatial derivatives

- Solve non-linear scalar equations (root finding),

- Solving partial differential equations of the convection/diffusion-reaction type, drawing on previous themes

The methods and algorithms studied in class are systematically implemented and applied to case studies in Matlab tutorials.

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Teaching hours

  • Scientific computing (UE Polytech' MI) - CMLecture24h
  • Scientific computing (UE Polytech' MI) - TDTutorial24h

Mandatory prerequisites

Knowledge control

Continuous assessment (CC) and final written exam (ET).

Final score = max(ET, (ET+CC)/2)

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