Study level
BAC +2
4 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
This course is a combination of analysis and algebra, with a focus on practical calculations.
Giving students the mathematical tools they need for mechanical engineering
Teaching hours
- Mathematical tools in mechanics - CMLecture15h
- Mathematical tools in mechanics - TDTutorial18h
Mandatory prerequisites
Have a good grounding in the mathematics of the scientific final year of high school
Knowledge control
Full continuous assessment. Three tests with coefficients of 2, 4 and 4, applying the max rule (final grade = max of weighted average and CC3).
Analysis: operations on derivatives (product, composition, reciprocal application), Taylor formula, limited developments, operations on limited developments, finding extrema of functions of two variables.
General procedures for finding primitives and calculating integrals: integration by parts, change of variables, eigene decomposition and integration of rational fractions, integration of trigonometric rational fractions.
Algebra: matrix calculation, determinant, inverse matrix, characteristic polynomial, diagonalization.