Study level
BAC +2
5 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
The aim of this teaching unit is to give students the tools they need for technical communication in mechanical engineering, with particular emphasis on reading technical drawings, technical drawing (vocabulary, rules of technical drawing, projections, intersections, sections, technological components, etc.) and the production of virtual models using CAD software (Solidwork).
- read a technical drawing of medium difficulty
- identify standard mechanical components on a drawing
- identify the operation of a mechanical system of moderate difficulty from an overall drawing
- draw a part in several views, following the rules of projection
- identify and draw cylinder-plane, cylinder-cylinder, plane-cone, cylinder-cone intersections
- draw cross-sections and sectional views
- extract a part from an overall drawing of moderate difficulty
- use of basic Solidwork functions (part mode, assembly and drawing)
Teaching hours
- Technical Communication - CMLecture course6h
- Technical Communication - Practical WorkPractical work18h
- Technical Communication - TDTutorial18h
Mandatory prerequisites