Study level
BAC +2
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Hourly volume
This course is the first step in teaching electromagnetism at university. It covers electrostatics, stationary currents and magnetostatics.
See the syllabus in the "+ info" tab.
See the syllabus in the "+ info" tab.
Teaching hours
- Electrostatics & Magnetostatics - CMLecture18h
- Electrostatics & Magnetostatics - TDTutorial18h
Mandatory prerequisites
L1 mathematics
General physics" from L1 (notion of conservative force and potential energy)
Vector operators
Recommended prerequisites :
See necessary prerequisites
Knowledge control
30% CC 70% CT
Part 1: Electrostatics
Electric charges and charge distributions. Point charge model.
Coulomb's law, electrostatic field and Gauss's theorem (integral and local forms).
Potential energy and electrostatic potential. Circulation of the electrostatic field. Electrostatic energy of a system of charges.
Charge distribution symmetries and field symmetries.
Conductive media. Bound and free charges. Volumetric current vector. Algebraic current intensity. Ohm's law, electrical conductivity.
Conductors in electrostatic equilibrium. Ionizing power of tips. Conductors in electrostatic influence. Capacitors.
Part 2: Magnetostatics
The Lorentz force and the electromagnetic field.
Biot and Savart's Law (field created by a moving charge, field created by a stationary current, field created by filiform circuits)
Symmetries of current distributions and field symmetries.
Relationship between magnetic field and its sources - Ampère's theorem (integral and local forms).