Measurement and integration, Fourier

  • ECTS

    8 credits

  • Training structure

    Faculty of Science


Acquire the basics of measurement theory and integration, then use these foundations to introduce the spaces and tools of functional analysis.

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This UE will cover the following points:

- General measurement theory: measurable spaces, measurable applications and measured spaces.

- General theory of integration: integrals of stepped functions, positive measurable functions and real or complex functions. Monotone and dominated convergence theorems. Continuity and derivability of integrals dependent on a parameter.

- Examples of measures: image measures and the transfer theorem, counting measures on N, Lebesgue measures on Rn, product measures and Fubini's theorem.

- Lp spaces: Hölder and Minkowski inequalities, definition of Lp spaces. Convolution product and density theorems for Lp spaces on Rn.

- Fourier transform on R: definition and properties, inversion formula, example of use.

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Teaching hours

  • Measurement and integration, Fourier - CMLecture36h
  • Measurement and integration, Fourier - TDTutorial36h

Mandatory prerequisites

Analysis courses in L1 and L2, in particular :

- HAX403X Analysis 4, Function sequences, integer series, Fourier

- HAX404X Topology of Rn and functions of several variables


Recommended prerequisites: L2 maths

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Further information

Hourly volumes :

            CM: 36

            TD : 36

            TP: -

            Land: -

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