5 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Acquire basic notions of numerical methods for differential equations
This UE will cover the following points:
- Numerical methods for ODEs: Modeling, one-step method (Euler, Runge, Heun, RK4), consistency error. Scheme order and convergence. Steep problems and stability of implicit schemes. Multi-step methods. stability and convergence.
- Introduction to linear PDEs and modeling: basic concepts, 1st-order examples, classification of 2nd-order PDEs with constant coefficients. Examples of typical linear PDEs, introduction to numerical solution by finite differences, illustrated by examples.
Teaching hours
- Numerical Analysis of Differential Equations - CMLecture18h
- Numerical analysis of differential equations - Practical workPractical work12h
- Numerical analysis of differential equations - TDTutorial15h
Mandatory prerequisites
Analysis courses in L1, L2 and the first semester of L3, in particular :
- HAX302X Analysis III Integration and elementary differential equations
- HAX502X Differential calculus and differential equations
Recommended prerequisites: first semester of L3
Further information
Hourly volumes :
CM: 18
TD : 15
TP: 12
Land: -