6 credits
Faculty of Science
In the first part: deepen the basic notions of differential calculus seen in L2.
In the second part: introduce the qualitative study of differential equations.
This UE will cover the following points:
Differential calculation
- definition of differential, finite increase inequality, Ck class functions, Taylor formula.
- Notion of diffeomorphism, local inversion theorem, global inversion, implicit function theorem.
Differential equations
- Maximum solution, global, Cauchy Lipschitz theorem, finite-time explosion, global Cauchy Lipschitz theorem, exit theorem for any compact.
- Linear differential equations: linear Cauchy Lipschitz theorem, constant operator linear systems, general linear systems
- Autonomous equations and vector fields: flow and integral curve of a vector field, stable and unstable equilibrium. Autonomous differential systems of size 2.
Teaching hours
- Differential Calculus and Differential Equations - CMLecture27h
- Differential Calculus and Differential Equations - TDTutorial27h
Necessary prerequisites
Analysis courses in L1 and L2, in particular :
- HAX302X Analysis III Integration and elementary differential equations
- HAX404X Topology of Rn and functions of several variables
Recommended prerequisites: L2 maths
Further information
Hourly volumes :
CM: 27
TD : 27
TP: -
Land: -