7 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Introduce the basic concepts of topology and their use in the study of functional spaces.
This UE will cover the following points:
- Metric and topological spaces: definition, limits and continuity. Open, closed, neighborhoods. Interior and adherence of a part, density. Product and quotient topology.
- Connectedness: definition, connexes of R. Continuous image of a connexe. Connectedness by arc, convexity in a normed vector space. Related components
- Compactness: definition. The compacts of Rn. Continuous image of a compact. Bolzano-Weierstrass theorem. Ascoli theorem.
- Completeness: Cauchy sequences in a metric space, definition of a complete metric space. Extension of applications, completion of a metric space. Fixed point theorem.
- Banach and Hilbert spaces: definition, the case of finite dimension. Continuous linear applications, topological dual. Examples: Lp and C0 spaces. Hilbert spaces, projection onto a closed convex, dual.
Teaching hours
- Topology of metric spaces - TDTutorial31,5h
- Topology of metric spaces - CMLecture31,5h
Mandatory prerequisites
Analysis courses in L1, L2 and the first semester of L3, in particular :
- HAX404X Topology of Rn and functions of several variables
- HAX502X Differential calculus and differential equations
Recommended prerequisites: first semester of L3
Further information
Hourly volumes :
CM: 31.5
TD: 31.5
TP: -
Land: -