4 credits

  • Component

    Faculty of Science


To illustrate with a probabilistic point of view the notions seen in the UE " measure - integration - Fourier ", and to introduce the necessary tools to the students who will follow the UE of Stochastic Modeling in the second semester of L3. 

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This EU will address the following:

- Probabilistic modeling: probability space, probability law, Bayes formula, independence of events and tribes

- Random variables: definition, examples, usual laws, independence. Distribution function for random variables and vectors. Expectation. Characteristic function

- Law of large numbers: law of 0-1, almost sure convergence and in probability. Application to point estimation

- Central Limit Theorem: convergence in law, comparison with other convergences. Application of the central limit theorem to interval estimation.

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Necessary pre-requisites

The analysis and probability courses of L1 and L2, in particular :

- HAX304X Probability


Recommended prerequisites: L2 math

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Additional information

Hourly volumes:

            CM : 18

            TD : 18

            TP: -

            Land: -

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