3 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
In this course, we introduce an overview of algebraic structures (ring, ideal, body) before tackling K[X] algebra and defining arithmetic on polynomials, drawing parallels with integer arithmetic seen in L1. Calculations on polynomial functions and rational fractions will be covered (explicit factorizations/decompositions).
Overview of algebraic structures :
groups, rings, bodies, algebras with examples from L1
The algebra K[X] :
definition, operations, degree, Kn[X] (K=Q, R or C).
Arithmetic of K[X]:
divisibility, irreducible polynomials, Euclidean division, Euclidean algorithm. PGCD and PPCM, Bézout's theorem, Gauss's lemma, decomposition into irreducible factors.
Notion of ideal of a ring, Z and K[X] as principal rings, reinterpretation of divisibility, gcd, ppcm in terms of ideals.
Polynomial functions :
Reminders: roots, multiplicity, derivation, Taylor formula, characterization of root multiplicity.
Split polynomial, root-coefficients relationship. D'Alembert-Gauss theorem, decomposition into irreducible factors in R[X] and C[X]. N-th roots of unity.
Rational fractions :
definition as a body of fractions of K[X]. Degree, integer part, decomposition into simple elements (on R and C)
Teaching hours
- Arithmetic of polynomials - CMLecture15h
- Arithmetic of polynomials - TDTutorial15h
Mandatory prerequisites
HAX203X - Arithmetic and enumeration from L1
Recommended prerequisites: L1 maths
Further information
Hourly volumes :
CM: 15
TD : 15
TP :
Terrain :