Training structure
Faculty of Science
This SCV course is designed for students wishing to acquire a solid grounding in life chemistry. It is designed for students wishing to acquire a solid grounding in the chemistry of living organisms, and can be pursued in research or professional masters programs in the fields of biomolecules and health, flavors, fragrances and cosmetics, or in chemical engineering schools.
Open Health Access course (L.AS).
Between 75% and 85
Success rates
The main aim is to provide students with a sound basic scientific training in the fields of chemistry, so that they have sufficient knowledge to continue their studies at Master's level or to enter working life, and to be able to adapt to changes in the chemical professions.
The SCV pathway in the L3 Chemistry offers a general training course providing fundamental knowledge of chemistry in semester 5, with progressive specialization in S6 towards the fields of life chemistry. It provides a sound theoretical and experimental grounding in general, inorganic, organic, macromolecular, spectroscopic and analytical chemistry.
Know-how and skills
Through a wide range of theoretical and practical courses in chemistry, but also thanks to a focus on the interface between chemistry and biology (3 TUs in S6) with teaching units in analysis and identification applied to the field (4 TUs), the Chemical Life Sciences pathway also provides an introduction to research through the practice of English (1 TU) and tutored projects (1 TU).
General scientific skills: - Master the basic techniques of laboratory experimentation. -be capable of devising an experimental strategy to solve a chemical problem. -be able to use and adapt analysis and data processing tools in the various fields of chemistry. -be able to appropriate chemical study tools, including modeling and statistical tools. -be able to read and criticize scientific texts in English -be able to search for, gather and verify information (bibliographical research related to a scientific theme).
Cross-disciplinary skills: - Ability to organize work based on an experimental protocol. -be able to adopt a multidisciplinary approach (interface with biology, physics, etc.) -master written and oral presentations and reports (tutorials and practical work) -work in pairs or teams (tutorials and practical work) -understand written and spoken English. -mastery of basic IT tools.
S5 is highly multidisciplinary within the Chemistry degree; S6 is specific to the SCV pathway and presents two profiles depending on the subsequent direction students wish to take.
Biomolecules profile with polyfunctional natural compounds and structural chemistry and biochemistry.
The flavors and fragrances cosmetics profile with a dedicated UE and a Chemical Engineering Ue.
Thermodynamics - micro and macroscopic aspects
4 creditsNMR Part1
2 creditsMass spectrometry Part 1
2 creditsCoordination chemistry: symmetry and reactivity
4 creditsFunctional Organic Reactivity Part 1
2 creditsExperimental chemistry
6 creditsOrganic chemistry
4 creditsEnglish S5
2 creditsMacromolecular chemistry
4 credits
NMR Part2
2 creditsTutored projects
6 creditsFunctional Organic Reactivity Part 2
4 creditsMass spectrometry Part 2
2 creditsSynthesis strategy
6 creditsEU CHOICE
10 creditsYour choice: 1 of 2
10 creditsPolyfunctional natural compounds
6 creditsStructural Chemistry and Biochemistry
4 credits
10 creditsCosmetics, Flavors and Fragrances
6 creditsChemical engineering
4 credits
Admission requirements
Target audience* :
- Students from the Faculty of Science's L2 Chemistry program, but also from other faculties interested in the profiles on offer and in pursuing a Masters degree.
- Students holding a DUT with a very favorable recommendation for further study can also be recruited via the e-candidat platform.
- Students with a Bachelor's degree wishing to return to general studies to pursue a Master's degree (e-candidat platform)
- future technological bachelor students (BUT), whose applications will also be examined by the teaching team for possible recruitment.
How to register
International students from outside the EU: follow the "Study in France" procedure:
Mandatory prerequisites
Organic chemistry and structural identification bases (analyses)
Recommended prerequisites
Basic biochemistry and biology
And then
Further studies
Research and Professional Masters in Biomolecular Chemistry and Cosmetic, Aroma and Perfume Engineering (ICAP) offered by the Chemistry Department of the University of Montpellier, as well as the Biology Agrosciences Master's degree and the Biology Health Master's degree offered by the BioMV Department.
Masters in Health Engineering, or masters from other universities.
Admission to Grandes Ecoles (engineering schools, etc.) on the basis of qualifications
Studying abroad
Bridges and reorientation
Towards Pro licenses.
Gateways to the pharmaceutical industry, Health Engineering masters, and masters in biology and agrosciences (IBioNTec pathway)
Professional integration
In the chemical industry (pharmaceuticals, flavors and fragrances, agri-food, cosmetics, environment, quality control, processes, health and safety, etc.) -technician or assistant chemical engineer (analysis, production, control, manufacturing, maintenance) - technician or assistant engineer - aromatician, formulator - sales representative
The best students in the SCV program can apply for admission to a chemical engineering school, or a chemistry-biology engineering school (ENSCM, ENSCL, ENSCBP, etc.).