Training structure
Faculty of Science
Language(s) of instruction
The oenologist accompanies and supervises wine production in cooperatives and winegrowing
operations. They can also work in laboratories and institutes, in
research, consultancy and innovation roles that are particularly decisive in the face of the new challenges facing this profession
In the wine industry, they are the scientific experts.
The L3 DNO preparatory course is designed for students wishing to become oenologists, with a particular
interest in the sciences.
Between 90 and 100% in L3.
Success rates
Training benefits
Students graduating from the DNO preparatory program are almost 100% accepted into one of the French DNO centers, in particular the DNO in Montpellier, whose second year is open to sandwich courses.
The aim of the DNO preparatory course is to provide a scientific refresher for students from
different backgrounds, through the acquisition of solid theoretical general knowledge and
essential to the profession of oenologist, mainly in chemistry, but also in biology.
It also aims to awaken the scientific spirit, develop rigor and critical thinking,
put students in a position to solve new problems and develop
interpersonal skills.
Know-how and skills
This pathway in the Chemistry field offers students the opportunity to acquire :
specific disciplinary and technical skills (mobilizing concepts to analyze and solve
problems in organic and inorganic chemistry, applied thermodynamics and
analytical chemistry; adopting a multidisciplinary approach; mastering basic knowledge of biology
molecular ; independently design and carry out an experimental procedure including
chemical and biological analysis methods, optimizing and validating the analysis techniques learned,
understand and interpret experimental results using the relevant scientific literature
to the problem, use statistical tools adapted to biology),
-professional (acquire organizational skills to manage projects,
defining objectives and context, developing the notion of responsibility in the service of a project,
self-evaluation, analyzing viticultural systems, knowledge of major issues related to
food science, leading a supervised professional project),
- cross-disciplinary and linguistic (analyze and synthesize data with a view to
their exploitation; using different tools and information and
communication technologies to process and produce information; knowing how to communicate in
- relational (learning to cooperate on projects, identifying resources and
limitations within a group, taking a step back from a situation, rethinking the way
you interact to promote cohesion)
Internships, tutored projects
This theoretical training is supplemented in semester 6 by a compulsory internship in a company
or a wine-related university laboratory.
Some courses include collaborative projects.
Finally, this generalist training is backed up by more technical assignments, such as the analysis of local
viti/viniculture systems.
Experimental chemistry
6 creditsDescription of variability 1
2 creditsFundamentals of chemistry
10 creditsMolecular Biology
4 creditsAnalytical chemistry of volatile compounds
4 creditsPhysiology
4 credits
4 creditsFood science and technology
2 creditsworkshops and MOOCs
2 creditsAnalytical tools for VOC characterization
2 creditsFlavouring and structure of plant biomolecules
6 creditsChemical engineering
4 creditsTechnical missions: analysis of vineyard/winegrowing systems
2 creditsEducational outings, TER, conferences
4 creditsEnglish S6 pre-prep DNO
2 creditsBacteriology
2 credits
How to register
International students from outside the EU: follow the "Study in France" procedure:
Target audience
Recruitment for the L3 prépa DNO is deliberately multipartite: students from IUT chimie,
IUT Génie Biologique, various L2s, CPGE/BCPST or engineering schools
can apply for this course. The teaching team is also keen to
maintain access to this course for motivated students from the most technical streams (mainly BTS
viticulture œnologie).
The L3 Prépa DNO also successfully welcomes working people who, after an initial
career, wish to reorient themselves within the framework of continuing education.
The fact that this course is open to sandwich courses means that the target group can be further broadened to include candidates
who have acquired 120 ECTS in scientific and economic studies, or equivalent skills
obtained through professional experience recognized by VAE.
Applications are selected in two stages: pre-selection on the basis of applications (via
electronically on the Faculty of Science website from the beginning of May), followed if necessary
by a motivational interview covering, among other things, prerequisites in chemistry.
Mandatory prerequisites
Open-mindedness, capacity for abstraction, scientific curiosity, desire to excel, adaptability,
appetite for group work.
Recommended prerequisites
Periodic classification of the elements, valence electron concept, elementary concepts
of atomistics, calculation of degrees of oxidation, elementary concepts of chemical reactivity:
identification of acid-base reactions, redox reactions, calculation of concentrations,
dilution, nomenclature in organic chemistry, "static" stereochemistry, electronic effects and
polarity of a molecule.