Training structure
Faculty of Science
List of courses
Organic Chemistry Part 1
4 creditsElectromagnetism
4 creditsThermodynamics and kinetics
From entity to solid
4 creditsMathematics for chemistry S3
4 creditsOrganic Chemistry Part 2
2 creditsEnglish S3
2 creditsColor measurement
4 credits
Organic Chemistry Part 1
4 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Organic Chemistry Module 1 covers the major classes of organic compounds (organometallics, alcohols, amines, carbonyl derivatives) and their reactivity. Carboxylic acids and derivatives are also covered in chapters dedicated to the reactivity of organometallics, alcohols and carbonyl derivatives.
Particular emphasis is placed on understanding reaction mechanisms based on the basic concepts acquired in the first year.
4 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Thermodynamics and kinetics
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Use the basic principles of equilibrium thermodynamics to predict whether a reaction is possible, in which direction it is spontaneous and determine the proportions of reactants at equilibrium from the equilibrium constant. Application to homogeneous and heterogeneous equilibria, and to the special case of precipitation reactions.(acid-base and redox reactions, time permitting). Hours: 19.5 h.
In the second part, we'll look at kinetics and reaction rates. Only simple reaction orders will be studied this year. Hours: 7.5 h .
From entity to solid
4 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
The first part of the module will present a general overview of materials: states of matter - chemical bonds - quantities associated with material properties (resistivity, transmittance, viscosity, Young's modulus, etc.). The concepts covered will be illustrated using polymeric and inorganic materials.
Then, in a flipped classroom, students will discover different materials through applications (varnish, paint, energy recovery, pollution control, etc.).
Mathematics for chemistry S3
4 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Organic Chemistry Part 2
2 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Organic Chemistry Module 2 is a continuation of Organic Chemistry Module 1. It focuses on the reactivity of carboxylic acids and derivatives.
Color measurement
4 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
The "Color Measurement" UE is an introduction to colorimetry. It provides an understanding of how colors are perceived and classified in the various colorimetric systems currently in use. The course begins with a brief historical introduction tracing the most significant stages in the construction of colorimetry, followed by a chapter giving some notions of the "neuro-physiology" of vision, describing how the eye and retina function. This is followed by a chapter on photometry, introducing the quantities essential to colorimetry, in particular spectral luminance, and then a study of colorimetric systems such as RGB, XYZ or L*a*b*. The emphasis in these first chapters is on additive color synthesis, which enables colors to be produced on screens (computer, TV, telephones, etc.). The course continues with an introduction to spectro-colorimetry, which enables us to understand the properties of color mixtures (subtractive synthesis) through its simplest models (Beer-Lambert, Kubelka-Munk, etc.). The course is illustrated by a number of hands-on exercises that familiarize students with the various colorimetric systems, their advantages and disadvantages. It is also supported by practical exercises that enable students to master color measurement devices (colorimeters, spectro-colorimeters) and associated software. A major part of the practical exercises is devoted to comparing color observations and measurements.