30 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
List of courses
4 creditsGeneral Chemistry 1
4 creditsFrom cells to organisms
4 creditsMathematics for TEE S1
3 creditsFrom organisms to ecosystems
2 creditsScience for the environment
4 creditsPhysics for TEE
3 creditsEnglish S1
1 creditsThe Earth and its resources
4 creditsCareers in Earth, Water and Environmental Sciences
1 credits
General Chemistry 1
4 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
From cells to organisms
4 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
This is a first approach to the integrative biology of organisms.
This course, entitled "From Cells to Organisms", covers structure-function relationships at different scales, from the cell (or molecule) to the organism in its environment.
Mathematics for TEE S1
Study level
BAC +1
3 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
This UE is divided into 4 chapters and is designed to provide abasic overview of mathematical concepts.
- Reminders: fractions, developing, factoring, remarkable identities
Chapter1 : Equations: 1st degree equations, systems of equations, 2nd degree equations
- Chapter 2 :Derivation: definition, examples, operations, Variations and representative curves of functions
- Chapter 3: Standard functions: Exponential function, Logarithm function, Trigonometric functions
- Chapter 4: Vector calculus and scalar product
Hourly volumes:
CM: 18
TD : 18
From organisms to ecosystems
Study level
BAC +1
2 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
The primary aim of this teaching unit is to introduce students to scientific ecology in all its diversity. Particular attention is paid to the definition of scientific ecology, in relation to the meaning of the term "ecology" (political ecology or ecologism) in the media and for the general public. The place of the environment in the scientific study of ecology is also clarified. With the help of tutorials and practical exercises, three major themes in ecology are covered: paleoecology, functional ecology& evolutionary ecology. It is important to note that these themes are supported by a particularly active scientific community in Montpellier.
Science for the environment
Study level
BAC +1
4 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
This teaching unit is designed to provide a general context for understanding the Earth sciences and biology, while taking into account the fields of the Humanities and Social Sciences. Today's Earth is not detached from its past. To understand the impacts of environmental and climatic transformations on planet Earth, a diachronic (long time, change over time) and synchronic (spatial variations) approach is required.
Accordingly, this EU presents the history of the Earth through geological time. It discusses the structure, composition and processes of the Earth. Issues, concerns and problems related to natural hazards are also included. The lessons will also provide students with the necessary grounding to understand the societal issues surrounding climate and environmental questions. The spin-offs of this course are essential for the well-being of tomorrow's society, enabling us to train young citizens or future workers capable of analyzing, criticizing and thinking about past, present and future environmental and climate issues, and of participating in decision-making in societal debates on environmental risks. This course has therefore been designed by teacher-researchers from different scientific fields (Earth and Water Sciences, Ecology, Philosophy, Political Science), demonstrating that approaches ranging from the fundamental to the operational are necessary.
Hourly volumes :
CM: 36h
Physics for TEE
3 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
The Earth and its resources
Study level
BAC +1
4 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
This course is designed to make first-year students aware of the issues surrounding the use, exploitation and management of the Earth's natural resources.
By way of introduction, an overview will be given of the different types of resource (energy, mineral, water) and the major economic and environmental issues involved.
Different types of resources will then be presented in three stages:
- The notion of mineral resources will be explored in greater depth by presenting the itinerary of chemical elements, from their creation in the Universe to their storage in the minerals that make up rocks, and their use in the technologies employed in everyday life. This aspect will introduce basic notions of solid state chemistry and mineralogy, illustrated by mineralogy tutorials and practical exercises.
- The problems and functioning of geological reservoirs trapping natural resources will be addressed, focusing on conventional energy resources (hydrocarbons) and resources of the future (underground storage of resources, geothermal energy).
- Finally, the major challenges facing water resources worldwide will be explored in greater depth. The global water cycle on Earth will be presented, and the essential concepts needed to understand today's major issues will be identified (definitions of an aquifer and a hydrosystem and the main types encountered, chemical interactions between water and rocks and illustration of processes centered on the chemistry of mineral and thermal waters).
Hourly volumes:
TD :12
Careers in Earth, Water and Environmental Sciences
Study level
BAC +1
1 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
The first year of university is a transitional stage when students have to make choices about their orientation: going for a basic or applied degree? Change discipline? Pursue a future master's degree, but which one? But it's also a tricky time when students can feel a little lost as they move from the high school system to the university one. This module, built around a number of presentations on careers in the geosciences, is an opportunity to improve student follow-up and to discuss their choices and possible orientations in small groups.
Hourly volumes :
CM: 4h
TD: 5h