Earth evolution and regional geological history

  • ECTS

    4 credits

  • Training structure

    Faculty of Science


Origin and evolution of the planet ;

Geological scale and geochronology ;

Geographies, topographies and past environments ;

Biosphere/Hydrosphere/Atmosphere/Geosphere interactions,

Human evolution and anthropization ;

Natural resources (water, energy, mineral resources) and anthropization 

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The aim is to provide an exhaustive reminder and/or refresher of the prerequisites required by students with a naturalist (and biologist) background or intending to study environmental sciences, through a slide show of the evolution of planet Earth from its origins to the present day, always focusing on the complex interactions between the geosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere and biosphere.

A concrete, synthetic vision of the evolution of the planet on which biological organisms and the human species live, evolve and interact is expected.

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Teaching hours

  • Earth evolution and regional geological history - Practical workPractical work9h
  • Earth evolution and regional geological history - CMLecture18h
  • Earth evolution and regional geological history - TDTutorial3h

Mandatory prerequisites

Basics of general geology

Recommended prerequisites* :

HAT102T geology

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Knowledge control

Continuous assessment (practical work - field trip - coursework) and final examination.

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  • Synthetic description of the concepts covered in CM :

From the formation of the Earth and its evolution to the end of the Phanerozoic, distribution of continental and oceanic masses in relation to erosion-sedimentation processes and significant biological and climatic events. Focus on regional geology during the Phanerozoic. 

  • Summary description of TD sessions and number of hours associated with each session

2 TD = geological map and major lithological and geological features of the region.

  • Synthetic description of TP sessions and number of hours associated with each session

TP1: reconstructing regional geological history from documents and creating a simplified geological map

TP2: geological mapping 1 (introduction to geological sectioning)

TP3: geological mapping 2 (creation of a geological section)

  • Description of the themes/manips covered during your field trip(s) and details of destinations/sites

Chronological scan and understanding of the terrains representing the different stages of formation of the regional geology during the Phanerozoic.





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Further information

Hourly volumes* :

            CM: 18h

            TD : 3h

            Practical work: 9h

            Field : 6h

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