4 credits

  • Component

    Faculty of Science


 The brain is at the center of human behavior. It is the control tower of the organism. It continuously receives a flow of information from the external environment as well as from the body. This information must be processed and analyzed rapidly in order to propose an appropriate response. All of these mechanisms, which at first glance appear complex, are based on simple biological mechanisms.

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The objective of the Exploration of the Brain course is to discover the functioning of the brain system. Starting with basic biological knowledge and addressing the fundamental concepts of cellular functioning, we will advance in the understanding of the functioning of our brain. Functions such as sensory, motor, memory or emotions will be used as concrete examples and will be studied in an integrated way, starting from the molecular level, passing by the cellular level to arrive at the behavior.

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Teaching hours

  • Exploring the brain - CMLecture21,5h
  • Brain exploration - TDTutorial12h

Necessary pre-requisites

A minimal knowledge of biology is expected to approach this course (high school level). Knowing what a cell is and its composition is a good starting point.

Recommended prerequisites*: have a scientific mind and a desire to learn more about how the brain works.


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Knowledge control

2 continuous assessment (50% of the final grade) + a final evaluation (50%)

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Part 1: What is the brain?

CM1 /CM2: What is the Brain (I) and (II)? (different cell types. Nervous message)

CM3: Development/Evolution of the SN (Comparative anatomy in vertebrates)

TD1A / TD1B : Analysis of scientific articles - methodology (How to read and analyze scientific articles)

TD2: Neuroanatomy/Methods and techniques


Part 2: How does the brain integrate the different sensory inputs?

CM4-CM5: Somatosensoriality (I) and (II)

CM6: Auditory system

CM7 : Visual System

CM8 : Taste System

TD3 : Olfactory system


Part 3: How does the brain generate behavior?

CM9: Motor system and motor skills (Motor system, PNS, reflexes)

CM10: Language (Articulated language for humans, Communication in animals)

CM11 : Emotions/Regulation of autonomous systems.

TD4 : Emotions/Regulation of autonomous systems


Part 4: How is the brain system modulated by internal states and the environment?

CM12: Awakening/Sleep/Awareness

CM13: Memory/Learning

CM14 : Pharmacology

TD5 A / TD5B: Neuropathology

TD6 : Pharmacology -

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Additional information

Hourly volumes*:

            CM :21.5h

            TD :12h

Manager* : Julien ROUSSEL / Zoé HUSSON

Administrative contact(s):

julien.roussel @ umontpellier.fr @

zoe.husson @ umontpellier.fr @

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