Biochemistry and molecular biology of the cell 1

  • ECTS

    4 credits

  • Training structure

    Faculty of Science


The "Biochemistry and Molecular Biology of the Cell 1" course follows on from the S1 "From Molecules to Cells" course, which laid the structural foundations of living organisms. In this course, students will be introduced to the basics of biochemistry, replication, transcription, translation, intracellular movements and bioenergetics.

This UE will be supplemented by UE HAV204V for L1 SVSE students.

It will be followed by L1 TEE and L1 Chemistry.

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- Knowledge associated with biochemistry :

This part of the course covers the basics of biochemistry, presenting the 4 classes of biomolecules (proteins, nucleic acids, carbohydrates, lipids). For each family, the structure of elementary molecules (amino acids, nucleotides, simple sugars, fatty acids, etc.) is presented. This presentation will then be extended to more complex structures (proteins, DNA or RNA, complex sugars, triglycerides, phospholipids, biological membranes...). The physico-chemical properties of elementary molecules and macromolecules will also be covered.

- Knowledge associated with cell biology :

- Understand the general processes of replication, transcription and translation in eukaryotes, prokaryotes and viruses.

- Understand cytotic movement, membrane transport and movement within the internal membrane system.

- Learn the basics of bioenergetics (cellular respiration and photosynthesis)


- Know-how :

- Mobilize skills acquired in cell biology, molecular biology, biochemistry and microbiology to tackle a problem in the field or analyze experimental data (including micrographs).

- Measure height using magnification or a scale bar

- Differentiate between organelles using specific stains in light microscopy

- Differentiate between organelles on electron micrographs

- How to recognize a cell in mitosis

- For all molecules studied in the biochemistry section: know how to recognize and write their formula, know how to name them, distinguish the different isomers, recognize the different chemical groups and their physico-chemical properties, the zones of flexibility and rigidity, make calculations concerning the charge state of ionizable molecules.

- Recognize and write down condensation and hydrolysis reactions

- know how to distinguish between the main chain and side chains of a peptide, know how to interpret a Ramachandran diagram, know how to calculate a percentage of identity between two protein sequences, know how to interpret images illustrating protein structures

- Synthesize knowledge for use in writing

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Teaching hours

  • Biochemistry and Molecular Biology of the Cell 1 - CMLecture18h
  • Biochemistry and molecular biology of the cell 1 - TDTutorial18h

Mandatory prerequisites

Recommended prerequisites* :

High school programs, General Chemistry UE (S1), "From molecules to the cell" UE (S1) and Organic Chemistry UE (S2): 1) Basics of the covalent structure of organic molecules and their non-covalent interactions. 2) Basics of isomerism. 3) Acid/base equilibria, pH, pKa, domains of predominance. 4) General basics of biological macromolecules.


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Knowledge control



No. of hours

Nb Sessions

Organization (FDS or local)

Continuous Control 1

33 %




Continuous 2

33 %





Continuous Control 3

34 %




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Further information

Hourly volumes* :

            CM: 18h

            TD: 18h

            TP :

            Terrain :

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