4 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
This is a first approach to the integrative biology of organisms.
This course, entitled "From Cells to Organisms", covers structure-function relationships at different scales, from the cell (or molecule) to the organism in its environment.
This is Integrative Biology: the aim is to study, using specific examples, the biology of organisms in interaction with their environment, by understanding the relationships between structures and functions at different levels of organization: organism / apparatus / organ / tissue / cell.
Know-how (SF) :
- observe, describe and analyze structures and relate them to functions;
- produce observational drawings and functional diagrams, using appropriate scales;
- carry out experiments and set-ups ;
- use the magnifying glass and optical microscope ;
- produce a written and/or oral report;
Know-how (SE) :
- working in a team ;
- be organized within the team;
- meet the objectives set and respect the work plan decided by the group;
- know how to argue within a team ;
- speaking in front of a group ;
- respect the work of others ;
- know how to listen and criticize constructively ;
- respect equipment, hygiene and safety rules;
- be punctual and assiduous;
- know how to meet document submission deadlines;
- work independently.
Teaching hours
- From cells to organisms - TDTutorial7,5h
- From cells to organisms - Practical workPractical work19,5h
- From cells to organisms - CMLecture6h
Mandatory prerequisites
none (but simpler if SVT speciality in high school)
Knowledge control
- 30% written and oral TP reports (group grade)
- 50%: end-of-semester assessment Course, practical work, practical work (individual mark)
- 20%: online QUIZ on Moodle (individual mark)