Target level of study
BAC +3
180 credits
3 years
Training structure
IUT Montpellier-Sète
Language(s) of instruction
The B.U.T Gestion des Entreprises et des Administrations program is taught on the Montpellier campus, as well as on the Sète campus for the "Gestion, Entrepreneuriat et Management des Activités" course. In Sète, GEA students are an integral part of the new Pôle Universitaire Michèle Weil.
Training benefits
- Recognition of training by the worlds of business (professional integration in management professions) and academia (further studies).
- Specialized courses in French and English, professional lecturers and solid professional experience through work-study or internships.
- International partnerships: 3rd year students can go abroad to one of our partner universities (Europe, Canada, Latin America... - priority GEMA Montpellier).
Understand the organization's social, economic and legal environment.
Master cross-disciplinary management fields (human resources, finance, accounting, strategy, marketing, etc.). Master accounting and tax techniques and analyze a company's financial performance. Master the steps involved in setting up a business. Help companies make the ecological transition and promote corporate social responsibility (CSR).
Know-how and skills
On completion of the course, graduates will be able to :
- Analyze the organization's processes in its
environment - Exploit management and decision-making data
- Organizing stakeholder relations
With the following specific features depending on the course:
Accounting, Tax and Financial Management course (GC2F) :
- analyze accounting, tax and social information, as well as private and public accounting & implement tools for analyzing and forecasting business activity.
Management, Entrepreneurship and Business Management (GEMA) :
- design the value creation strategy & manage and develop the value chain.
Human Resources Management and Steering (GPRH) :
- managing personnel administration & human resources development
International dimension
The 3rd year of the B.U.T GEMA program at the Montpellier site must be spent abroad (semester 5 only or the whole year).
Knowledge control
Assessment of knowledge: continuous assessment
Open on a sandwich basis
Contract type | Apprenticeship contract, Professionalization contract |
Possible from the 2nd or 3rd year of the B.U.T. diploma.
- Montpellier site: GPRH and GC2F sandwich courses only.
- Sure le site de Sète : the GEMA sandwich course only.
Internships, tutored projects
Internship | Mandatory |
In B.U.T 1: 2 weeks
In B.U.T 2: 11 weeks
In B.U.T 3: 13 weeks
Start date: September
Duration: 3 years
Hours: 1800h
Internship: 26 weeks over 3 years
Tutored project: 600h
Select a program
Accounting, tax and financial management
The GC2F course comprises 5 skills. 3 common skills which are :
- analysis of the company and its environment (management, law, economics, HRM, marketing)
- decision support (accounting, finance, management mathematics, etc.)
- manage relationships (digital tools, communication, 2 foreign languages, project and market research methodology)
And two specific skills:
- produce accounting, tax and social security information
- assess activity
Projects revolve around business start-ups and accounting and financial case studies.
Management, entrepreneurship and business management
The GEMA course comprises 5 skills. 3 common skills which are :
- analysis of the company and its environment (management, law, economics, HRM, marketing)
- decision support (accounting, finance, management mathematics, etc.)
- manage relationships (digital tools, communication, 2 foreign languages, project and market research methodology)
And two specific skills that focus more specifically on entrepreneurship and 'value creation', by taking a closer look at certain management subjects (marketing, HRM, CSR, entrepreneurship law).
Projects focus on business start-ups, events with small and medium-sized businesses, hackathon-type competitions with an incubator, and CSR events.
Human resources management and control
The GPRH pathway is made up of 5 skills. 3 common skills which are :
- analysis of the company and its environment (management, law, economics, HRM, marketing)
- decision support (accounting, finance, management mathematics, etc.)
- manage relationships (digital tools, communication, 2 foreign languages, project and market research methodology)
And two specific skills: :
- manage personnel administration
- manage HR development
Projects focus on business start-ups and HR-related events.
Admission requirements
Application via the Parcoursup portal: https: //
Target audience
- BAC général obtained in 2021 with 2 of the following specialties: Mathematics; SES; History-geography, geopolitics and political science; NSI; LLCE.
- General BAC obtained before 2021 : BAC ES & S (others, depending on file).
- Technological baccalaureate: STMG (Management and Finance option preferred).
And then
Further studies
For the "Gestion et Pilotage des Ressources Humaines" course:
- master GRH, SIRH, organisation, ...
For the "Management, Entrepreneurship and Business Management" course:
- master's degree in marketing, business development, international trade, ...
For the "Accounting, Tax and Financial Management" course:
- master's degree in finance, management control, CCA, SIRH, DCG preparatory course, etc.
For all courses:
- Grandes Écoles programs
Professional integration
All sectors (public and private) of economic life: industry, services, banks, insurance companies, administrations, local authorities, associations, chartered accountants.
Types of jobs available :
- Associate in consulting firms
- Entrepreuneuriat
- Assistant controller
- HR/payroll/training assistant