180 credits
3 years
Training structure
IUT Montpellier-Sète
Language(s) of instruction
The GPRH pathway is made up of 5 skills. 3 common skills which are :
- analysis of the company and its environment (management, law, economics, HRM, marketing)
- decision support (accounting, finance, management mathematics, etc.)
- manage relationships (digital tools, communication, 2 foreign languages, project and market research methodology)
And two specific skills: :
- manage personnel administration
- manage HR development
Projects focus on business start-ups and HR-related events.
The "Gestion et Pilotage des Ressources Humaines" (GPRH - Human Resources Management and Steering) course offers a multi-skilled management training program in the various fields of human resources management.
Know-how and skills
The learner is trained as an HR assistant, or to assist the manager of a VSE or SME with social matters. In larger organizations, they are more likely to perform more specialized management activities in the fields of recruitment, training, career planning, personnel administration, occupational health and safety, HR communication and payroll.
They may also work in the context of service provision activities, such as in accounting firms for social aspects, or in recruitment firms and training organizations.
In public-sector organizations, he or she may work in the personnel and labor relations department. They can analyze the context in which the organization is evolving or will evolve, gather and process the information required for decision-making, and manage the various players within and outside the organization.
He/she is also capable of managing the organization's personnel and HR development. He/she masters the use of digital tools, knows how to analyze data and effectively synthesize their presentation through written and oral communication in both French and English. He/she is able to work in an international environment.
Admission requirements
Access is possible after the first year of a B.U.T GEA.
And then
Professional integration
Sectors of activity :
Holders of the Bachelor of Technology degree in "Business and administrative management: human resources management and management" will hold positions of intermediate responsibility in human resources, in all types of organization (companies, associations, public authorities) and in all sectors of activity.
Types of jobs available :
- personnel administration assistant,
- payroll associate,
- recruitment officer,
- training manager,
- multi-skilled HR manager,
- QVCT service assistant
With experience, they progress to managerial positions.