5 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Hourly volume
- Taxonomy / phylogeny: the concept of species
- The origins of the tree / the origins of wood - Appearance of tree forms, invention of wood and evolution
- Evolution of the cambium and the vascular system
- Diversity of woody planes (tracheids / vessels / fibers / parenchymas)
- Anatomical traits and taxonomic recognition of temperate and tropical woods
- Chemical composition of wood
- Macromolecules (Cellulose, hemicelluloses, lignins,...) and their properties (Tg)
- Nano-structure - meso and nano-porosity, organization of cellulose microfibrils (interaction between chemical compounds)
- Chemical composition of wood
- Secondary metabolites (function, composition, diversity), extractable
- Chemical composition of wood - Gums, latex, exudates, resins