Gerontology: management and coordination of services and structures - ECSS

  • ECTS

    120 credits

  • Training structure

    Faculty of Medicine


The aim of the Master 2 in Gerontology is to train all professionals working in the geriatrics and gerontology sectors. This level 1 diploma is aimed at people holding or wishing to hold a managerial position in a social, medico-social or healthcare establishment, or in private consulting or training structures in the gerontology sector.

The professional Master 2 in Gerontology was created in 2004 by Professor Claude Jeandel, at the request of professionals in the sector who wanted to develop specific training courses in the Languedoc-Roussillon region to support the elderly. This multi-disciplinary training program brings together the region's gerontology professionals and university teaching staff.



  • Management of medical-social establishments,
  • Management of home and personal assistance services,
  • Manager of a medical-social establishment,
  • Coordinator of medico-social services or institutions,
  • Project manager in the medico-social sector within local authorities or private structures,
  • Training in gerontology,
  • Coordination of local gerontological systems (CLIC, health network, etc.).

The Master's program alternates classroom sessions (1 week per month from September to June) with internship periods (3 to 6 months), which immediately anchor theoretical teachings in professional practice.

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  • Acquire knowledge of gerontology and geriatrics,
  • Acquire knowledge of aging and the target population,
  • Be able to carry out a territorial diagnosis of the needs of the elderly population,
  • Be able to run a training program in gerontology,
  • Acquire expertise and engineering skills in gerontology
  • Be able to manage and direct medical-social establishments.
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Knowledge control

UE taught: see SHS website

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Special features

Contact preventive medicine :


Service Commun de Médecine Préventive et de Promotion de la Santé (Joint Service for Preventive Medicine and Health Promotion)
Biology Institute - 2nd floor right
4 Boulevard Henri IV
CS 19044
34967 Montpellier cedex 2, France
Tel: 04 34 43 30 70
Fax: 04 34 43 30 85
E-mail (scmpps @

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Select a program

Master 2

The aim of the Master 2 in Gerontology is to train all professionals working in the geriatrics and gerontology sectors. This level 1 diploma is aimed at people holding or wishing to hold a managerial position in a social, medico-social or healthcare establishment, or in private consulting or training structures in the gerontology sector.

The professional Master 2 in Gerontology was created in 2004 by Professor Claude Jeandel, at the request of professionals in the sector who wanted to develop specific training courses in the Languedoc-Roussillon region to support the elderly. This multi-disciplinary training program brings together the region's gerontology professionals and university teaching staff.

This master's degree is co-accredited with Sorbonne University, which offers the following 4 teaching units:

Standardized gerontological assessment

Training gerontology trainers/tutors

Nutrition and hygiene for the elderly



  • Management of medical-social establishments,
  • Management of home and personal assistance services,
  • Manager of a medical-social establishment,
  • Coordinator of medico-social services or institutions,
  • Project manager in the medico-social sector within local authorities or private structures,
  • Training in gerontology,
  • Coordination of local gerontological systems (CLIC, health network, etc.).

The Master's program alternates classroom sessions (1 week per month from September to June) with internship periods (3 to 6 months), which immediately anchor theoretical teachings in professional practice.

See the complete page of this course


Access conditions


Students who are unable to travel to Montpellier to follow the courses can follow the Master of Gerontology in e-learning:

 Applications :

The university also offers DU and short courses in gerontology:

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Target audience

Health professionals (doctors - nurses - health managers - pharmacists)


Professionals in the medical-social sector

Students in initial training for studies in health, psychology, education sciences, sociology, etc.

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Necessary prerequisites

Initial training :

  • Holders of a Master 1 degree in human and social sciences, law, science, economics, medicine, pharmacy, dentistry, or architecture.
  • Holders of a Bac+4 diploma or equivalent (occupational therapist, physiotherapist, osteopath, CAFDES...).

Continuing education :

When submitting your application, you must have a Master 1 degree or equivalent.

However, holders of diplomas for which it is not possible to grant automatic equivalence with a Master 1 may be admitted to Master 2, by decision of the jury, after obtaining a VAE or VAP in the following cases:

  • Doctors, pharmacists, healthcare managers,
  • CAFERUIS, DSTS holders,
  • Professionals: social workers, occupational therapists, private nurses, physiotherapists, facility managers, training managers, architects...
  • Professionals undergoing professional reorientation and motivating their project.
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And then

Further studies

Possibility of pursuing another Master's degree


Possibility of continuing to doctorate upon selection by the Doctoral School jury

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Professional integration

 Manager in a medical-social establishment

 Assistant manager in a medical-social establishment

 Local authority project manager

Consultant trainer

Director of Gerontology Training

Project manager, consulting

Local coordinator (health network, CLIC, etc.) 


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