• Study level

    BAC +4

  • ECTS

    2 credits

  • Training structure

    Faculty of Science


This course enables students to apply the key stages of a mechanical design approach, from initial specifications to prototype qualification, to one or more concrete cases dealt with in previous years' industrial projects. It thus supports the year's industrial projects by mobilizing the same skills, but on one or more solved cases, unlike the current projects. It therefore requires the mobilization of various skills acquired in other courses, particularly non-technological ones, in the Master's or Bachelor's program (fundamental principle of dynamics, strength of materials, continuum mechanics, vibrations, finite element simulation) on one or more real mechanisms that students can manipulate and experiment with.

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  • Carry out a functional analysis of a mechanical system to be designed, based on initial specifications, and (partially) characterize functions and interactors,
  • To equate and solve a mechanical problem in order to estimate the missing parameters of the system to be designed with a view to pre-sizing it, and to write a calculation note,
  • Set up a test protocol to measure mechanical parameters (stiffness, moment of inertia, force/moment or speed input-output law, etc.),
  • Carry out a mechanical test, process the data, estimate measurement uncertainties and write up the test report,
  • Create a creative FAST,
  • Pre-dimension a part of the mechanical system to be designed using a numerical method (e.g., finite elements).
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Mandatory prerequisites

  • Fundamental principle of dynamics,
  • Strength of materials,
  • Continuum mechanics,
  • Vibration of discrete and continuous systems,
  • Finite element method (linear).
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