Fluid mechanics and heat transfer

  • Study level

    BAC +4

  • Training structure

    Faculty of Science


This 42-hour course is divided into two parts (1/3, 2/3) to give the basics of heat transfer and fluid mechanics (3D). Fluids will be considered as continuous media. A particle is an element of volume infinitesimally small for mathematical description, but large enough relative to molecules to be described by continuous functions. This course extends the L3 course on modeling elastic media, as well as the 1D fluid mechanics course.

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Acquire the basics of physical modeling of heat transfer problems and know how to solve a few classic problems. Be able to critically analyze the results obtained.

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Teaching hours

  • Fluid mechanics and heat transfer - CMLecture18h
  • Fluid mechanics and heat transfer - TDTutorial24h

Mandatory prerequisites

Completion of a Bachelor's degree course in mechanics, with particular emphasis on MMC

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: The course is divided, in the classic way, into two parts:

  1. Heat equations. Fourier's laws. Conduction. Convection. Fin approximation.
  2. General information on fluids: conservation laws, behavior laws. Perfect fluids. Newtonian fluids. Navier Stockes equations. Reynolds number. 

. Some 3D analytical solutions: Couette, Poiseuille.

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