5 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
This course introduces the general framework of linear models in which we seek to express a response variable as a function of a linear combination of predictors. By assuming both a specific relationship between the mean response and the predictors (link function), as well as a specific distribution of the random variation of the response around its mean, it is possible to represent binary data (e.g. presence/absence, mortality/survival) or count data (e.g. number of individuals, number of species). Thanks to this general framework, non-normally distributed variables can be modeled. In particular, the use and interpretation of logistic, binomial and Poisson regression models will be detailed.
Be able to model the relationship between a continuous, discrete or categorical response variable. Know how to implement a numerical method for estimating, testing, diagnosing, comparing and choosing a model within the framework of a GLM.
Teaching hours
- Generalized linear models - CMLecture21h
Mandatory prerequisites
L-level probability, linear model, inferential statistics
Recommended prerequisites: M1 in statistics
Introduction: reminders of the linear (Gaussian) model
- Exponential family: definition and properties
- Linear predictors and classical link functions: identity, logit, logarithm
- Estimation: likelihood equations, Fisher scores
- Logistic model and discrimination
- Counting models: binomial and Poisson
- Over- and under-dispersion models
Further information
CM: 21h
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