• Component

    Faculty of Science


The first part of this course concerns complements of probability theory: conditional expectation, Gaussian vectors. The second part presents one of the main families of stochastic processes in discrete time : Markov chains. These are sequences of dependent random variables, whose dependence relation is relatively simple since each variable depends only on the previous one. It is also a very powerful modeling tool. We will study the main properties of these processes, as well as their behavior in long time and the estimation of their parameters.

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The objectives of the course are
- to be able to compute expectation and conditional laws
- to be able to model an experiment by a Markov chain
- to be able to compute the quantities of interest (probability and time to reach certain events)
- to be able to determine the asymptotic behavior of the process.

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Necessary pre-requisites

L3 level probability course: random variables and vectors, modes of convergence of sequences of random variables, convergence of independent and identically distributed random variable sequences. (+ characteristic function if Gaussian vectors)
Linear algebra: matrix calculus, eigenelements, resolution of linear systems, linear recurrent sequences

Recommended prerequisites: Theory of measurement

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1 Measurability 

1.1 Tribes .

1.2 Random processes 

1.3 Filtration 

1.4 Downtime 

2 Conditional expectation 

2.1 Conditional probability with respect to an event 

2.2 Conditional expectation with respect to a tribe .

2.3 Conditional expectation and independence .

2.4 Conditional laws

3 Markov chains

3.1 Stochastic matrices 

3.1.1 Definition and graphic representation 

3.1.2 Communicating classes 

3.1.3 Periodicity

3.2 Markov processes

3.2.1 Definition of a Markov chain

3.2.2 Markov property 

3.3 Passage problems 

3.4 Classification of Markov chains

3.4.1 Recurrence and transience 

3.4.2 Link with the class structure

3.5 Asymptotic behavior

3.5.1 Invariant law 

3.5.2 Convergence to the invariant law

3.5.3 Ergodic theorem 

3.5.4 Statistics of Markov chains 

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Additional information

Hourly volumes:
CM: 21
TD: 21

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